Saturday, December 31, 2011


Nope, not the stuff in the little bottle.

We started out this morning to see family a few hours east of here, at Point B.  About 80 miles out, we ran into snow...  not accumulating, just blowing enough that visibility wasn't great.  About 10 miles later, we called the folks at Point B to say -- we're going home and we'll try again another time. 

Here's some video of a genu-ine western blizzard with occasional whiteout conditions. 

It took us 1 hour and 15 minutes to get to where we turned around.  It took almost 2 hours to get back home.

The visibility went from bad:

to absolutely horrid: 

Interstate driving was almost as bad, probably worse in ways, with more traffic and slushy overpasses.  
We followed a semi for quite a ways...  he was nice enough to warn us about some vehicles on the side of the road on a bridge -- so we could get around them.  Hope he gets somewhere safe and warm today.  The hills and trees look kinda eerie comin' out of the snow and fog, don't they? 

Well, even the sign will tell ya:  "Next stop, SNOW!"

It's a few hours early, but Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Yikes!! glad you were able to make it home safely. White out conditions are always just so scary to me. :(
