Sunday, April 15, 2012

Captured Moments

It had just quit raining, and we were headed for the edge of the storm...  toward the setting sun, just blazing between the storm clouds and the horizon.  I love this picture - the sun as it's setting, the open road, and the remnants of a storm passing.

This picture seems to mimic my life over the last year...  For me personally, there's been sadness and loss, and joy from good memories and friends.  Hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, and accidents -- none of which have taken anything from me, but some of which have caused clouds and rain in my heart and mind.  There's been lot of busy-ness of various kinds, and yet the road stretches empty, toward the sun, beckoning toward joy, life, light. 

"Fortify yourself with contentment, for this is an impregnable fortress." -- Epictetus

I think for myself, I could replace "contentment" with "thankfulness."

How often do we stop and appreciate - where we are, what we've made it through, and best of all, what's ahead?

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